CS 1150 PEEE   Scratch Extra: Drawing a Scene


We have seen some "programming" (via the code.org course), discussed what programming is, and created a story telling program and an initials-drawing program in Scratch. There are still things you (or your students) can do with Scratch—more involved animation, trivia/quizzing, etc. Another is drawing a scene using polygons and spirals. This extra credit assignment will allow you to further explore Scratch drawing, additional mathematics available through Scratch programming, and exercising creativity when programming. The task is to draw a scene, e.g., house with yard, etc.;  row of houses;  a garden;   etc.

The program you plan and implement should include as many as possible of the elements identified below. It may be completed individually or with your pair-programming partner. The elements of the scene should (mostly) be made up of polygons and spirals.

  1. Pass the green flag test
  2. Use modularization—the Make a Block feature—with effective use of parameters to blocks as appropriate
  3. Use various/multiple kinds of regular polygons (triangle to pseudo-circle)
  4. Use spirals (true spirals or rotated polygons or both)
  5. Use multiple polygons
  6. Use size and location as parameters to programmer-defined blocks
  7. Use controlled looping
  8. Use various colors and pen sizes, perhaps as parameters to programmer-defined blocks
  9. Perform calculations involving variables or blocks' parameters to accomplish program tasks

There is no PAC commenting on this activity. However, a report on the experience is to be submitted to the instructor. The report should:

Submitting Your Work

In addition to the submission message above, you are to share it with the class by placing it in our studio. That process involves:

That should be all it takes to "submit" the program. Whichever partner submitted the program should have the other partner sign in to Scratch and double check that the project is available in the studio. Don't forget that both partners need to individually complete the PAC assignment for this activity.

Note that you should always be able to get back to the project page or to the Scratch programming environment from which you can access the project page. If you joined Scratch, your projects should all be available and be saved regularly by the system.


The maximum amount of credit for a single program is half a letter grade (7 points). Half that will be awarded to programs that meet all the specifications noted for the program that also have reports that are minimally satisfactory. Higher/better scores will depend on the quality and complexity of the program and the report produced.