Web, HTML, Unix, etc.

Color RGB new link

  1. Web Authoring & HTML CD-ROM lab
  2. Binary Numbers CD-ROM lab
    (See also the Wednesday, January 24th binary handout, which is a review of the Monday, January 22nd lecture material. See the handout for base 8 Octal, base 16 Hexadecimal as well as base 2 binary)
    NOTE: This web page has BGCOLOR=AA99B7, so RED is AA and GREEN is 99 and BLUE is B7. We will cover the base 16 RGB Color concepts further on Wednesday in class. It will come up again as we learn about PhotoShop and computer graphics and video display concepts as well. RGB means RedGreenBlue.

Review of hands-on lab, the Friday, January 12th lab class. You can see the pico editor window, with the HTML code for your practice web page in the pico editor window. The name of the file is index.html and it was saved in your web folder.
3rd class summary and Friday, January 12th handout corrections for your 1st web page HTML, which was part of your handout. It linked to the UNI home page. Also shown, is how to do your first numbered list. Lists have either bullets or numbers.
  1. How to use pico editor on chaos.cns.uni.edu. The pico name stands for pine composer, which means that pico is the pine email editor or composer for the sending and replying commands.
  2. The UNIX commands that are most commonly used. We have used ls, ls -l, cd web, mkdir web, finger, who, w, logout, etc. Read this page to learn more about the commands.

Your homepage.html and page2.html assignment was handed out on Friday, January 26th.
Your web page assignment was handed out on Friday, January 26th. The web pages (page2.html and homepage.html) will be due on or by Friday, February 16th. Consult the web help page for ideas on how to work on your web assignment.