High-level Language Programmer's View

main: CalculatePowers(In: integer numLimit,

integer powerLimit)

integer Power( In: integer n, integer e)
maxNum = 3 integer result
maxPower = 4 integer num, pow if e = 0 then
    result = 1
CalculatePowers(maxNum, maxPower) for num := 1 to numLimit do else if e = 1 then
(*) for pow := 1 to powerLimit do result = n
. . . else
end main print num " raised to " pow " power is " result = Power(n, e - 1)* n
  Power(num, pow) end if
  end for pow return result
  end for num end Power
  end CalculatePowers  

Compiler uses registers to avoid accessing memory as much as possible. Registers can be used for local variables, parameters, return address, function return value.

When a subprogram is called, some of the register values might need to be saved ("spilled") on the stack to free up some registers for the subprogram to use.

Standard conventions for spilling registers:

1) caller save - before the call, caller saves the register values it needs after execution returns from the subprogram

2) callee save - subprogram saves and restores any register it uses in its code

3) some combination of caller and callee saved (USED BY MIPS) AL code for subprogram "caller"

<code using some registers>

call subprogram

<wants used registers to be unchanged>



Convention Name Role in Procedure Calls Comments
$0 $zero value zero  
$1 $at Used by assembler to implement psuedoinstructions DON'T USE
$2, $3 $v0, $v1 Results of a function  
$4 - $7 $a0 - $a3 First 4 arguments to a procedure  
$8 - $15,

$24, $25

$t0 - $t9 Temporary registers (not preserved across call) Caller-saved registers - subprogram can use them as scratch registers, but it must also save any needed values before calling another subprogram.
$16 - $23 $s0 - $s7 Saved temporary (preserved across call) Callee-saved registers - it can rely on an subprogram it calls not to change them (so a subprogram wishing to use these registers must save them on entry and restore them before it exits)
$26, $27 $k0, $k1 Reserved for the Operating System Kernel DON'T USE
$28 $gp Pointer to global area  
$29 $sp Stack pointer Points to first free memory location above stack
$30 $fp/$s8 Frame pointer (if needed) or another saved register $fp not used so use as $s8
$31 $ra Return address (used by a procedure call) Receives return addr. on jal call to procedure

Using MIPS Calling Convention
Caller Code Callee Code

. . .

1) save $t0 - $t9 and $a0 - $a3 that are needed upon return

2) place arguments to be passed in $a0 - $a3 with additional parameters

pushed onto the stack

3) jal ProcName # saves return address in $ra

4) restore any saved registers $t0 - $t9 and $a0 - $a3

. . .

1) allocate memory for frame by subtracting frame size from $sp

2) save callee-saved registers ($s0 - $s7) if more registers than $t0 - $t9

and $a0 - $a3 are needed

3) save $ra if another procedure is to be called

. . . code for the callee

4) for functions, place result to be returned in $v0 - $v1

5) restore any callee-saved registers ($s0 - $s7)

6) restore $ra if it was saved on the stack in step (3)

7) pop stack frame by adding frame size to $sp

8) return to caller by "jr $ra" instruction

main: CalculatePowers(In: integer numLimit,

integer powerLimit)

integer Power( In: integer n, integer e)
maxNum = 3 integer result
maxPower = 4 integer num, pow if e = 0 then
    result = 1
CalculatePowers(maxNum, maxPower) for num := 1 to numLimit do else if e = 1 then
(*) for pow := 1 to powerLimit do result = n
. . . else
end main print num " raised to " pow " power is " result = Power(n, e - 1)* n
  Power(num, pow) end if
  end for pow return result
  end for num end Power
  end CalculatePowers  
a) Using the MIPS register conventions, what registers would be used to pass each of the following parameters to CalculatePowers:

maxNum maxPower

b) Using the MIPS register conventions, which of these parameters ("numLimit", "powerLimit", or both of them) should be moved into s-registers?

c) Using the MIPS register conventions, what registers should be used for each of the local variables:
num pow

d) Using the MIPS register conventions, what registers would be used to pass each of the following parameters to Power:

num pow

e) Using the MIPS register conventions, which of these parameters ("n", "e", or both of them) should be moved into s-registers?

f) Using the MIPS register conventions, what registers should be used for each of the local variables:

g) Write the code for main, CalculatePowers, and Power in MIPS assembly language: