Controls and Properties


Please click here to start the PowerPoint slide show. You will have all of this as a handout from lecture #2.

Table of Contents

Objects and Properties were introduced briefly in lecture 1. We looked only at the Form object. The (Name) property, the BackColor property, and the Caption property for the Form1 object were briefly illustrated. The Form_Unload() event and the Form_Click() event were programmed.

The (Name) property and the Caption property of the Label control and the Command Button control will be covered in the 2nd lecture.

GUI Interface screen snapshot of the running application. GUI means Graphical User Interface, which means Windows, Icons, Menus, and Windows controls (command buttons, labels, checkboxes, textboxes, pictureboxes, etc) that you can interact with using Pointing Devices (the mouse). WIMP = Windows, Icons, Menus and Pointing Devices.

Here is the Visual Basic code window It contains 3 event procedures, one for each Command button control.

Summary of the program, with an additional note about True Type fonts.

Author: mark jacobson

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Other information:
This slide show will be understandable AFTER we have our first hands-on class in Wright 112 on Friday, August 31st. Do not worry if you don't understand it all until then.

It should be studied in conjunction with chapter two.

We will have one full lecture/demonstration on Wednesday and then a hands-on class (on Friday in WRT 112 lab). AFTER the 4th class review (Monday, September 3rd), you will understand this first example program and how to create it, code it, save it and run it.