CS 1025 01 - Week #10 (Oct 29, 30, 01)

Monday, October 28th

  1. Making quicktime movies with NetLogo - for footage for After Effects.
    ;; make a 20-step movie of the current view
    movie-start "out.mov"
    repeat 20 

Wednesday, October 30th

  1. Test One: NetLogo show the output: Sheet #1, questions 1 and 2 from the October 21st exam.

    HOMEWORK: NetLogo turtles questions 1 and 2 Worksheet/Homework on the show the output questions. (Due on Wednesday, November 6th).

        a.  coordinates for turtle #0
        b.  coordinates for turtle #1 and show work step by step, justify answer.
        c.  coordinates for turtle #2
        d.  coordinates for turtle #3
        e.  what is the mysteryDistance for the
                             set mysteryDistance ___________
            fill in the blank command?
        a.  ... the four headings are:
                                        turtle #0
                                        turtle #1
                                        turtle #2
                                        turtle #3
        b.  ... how many degrees total 
                            will each turtle have turned ...
        c.  Where will each and every turtle be facing or "pointing" ...?
            List the four headings again:
                                        turtle #0
                                        turtle #1
                                        turtle #2
                                        turtle #3
     (*** Due on Wednesday, November 6th ***).

  2. Midterm Test Scores - 1025MidtermOct2013.pdf. Test one had 30 points possible.

    Scores ranged from 17 (-13) points to 29.5 (-0.5) points out of 30 points possible.
    Scores, points and percentages breakdown on midterm exam.

Friday, November 1st

  1. Halloween Treats and watch a brief scene from the Ghostbusters movie...

  2. Tri this Tee on: Snorg Tees T-Shirts. Adobe After Effects and your favorite SnorgTees Tee shirt design - t-shirt trigonometry. Tri it out.

  3. Triangle Game using either dice or else using Excel to simulate the tossing of a die to roll a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. Which team will WIN the game?! :-)
    Excel formula to simulate throwing a die (one of a pair of dice).
         =INT( RAND() * 6 + 1 )
         Note that RAND() is always greater than or equal to 0,
               and RAND() is always less than 1.0000.
         INT(3.14159) is the INTeger 3
         INT(3.9979) is also 3, the INTeger portion of 3.9979 is 3.
                       0.0 <= RAND() < 1.0   
              what can you tell me about 
                              RAND() * 6    ?????
              Specifically, can you tell me some specific information
                 about the values for a and for b.
                                     ---       ---
                       a   <= RAND() * 6 <   b
                      ---                   ---
              a.  ________________
              b.  ________________
  4. Simulating Smoke with Adobe After Effects.

    Snowfall and smoking chimney using CC Snow and After Effects expressions. Probably will have to wait to Monday