CS 1025 01 - Week #12 (Nov 11, 13, 15)

Monday, November 11th

  1. Data Flyer tool for finding the best fitting line through a set of points.
      y = mx + b     m is the slope of the line and b is the intercept.
                     The intercept is where the line crosses the y-axis,
                         so it can also be called the y-intercept.
      When x = 0, we have
          y = 0x + b    or     y = 0 + b      or    y = b

  2. The SLOPE of a line that includes two points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) is the RISE over the RUN. The RISE is the change in the Y's, and the RUN is the change or differece in the X's. y2 - y1 is the RISE and x2 - x1 is the RUN.

  3. Example: Using the Data Flyer tool to discover the LINEar relationship between average Birthrate and average Female Life Expectancy in a random sample of countries.

    1. The 15 countries with (x, y) pairs being (birthrate, female life expectancy).
    2. The x or birthrate variable would be considered the INDEPENDENT VARIABLE (IV).
    3. The y variable or female life expectancy would be considered the DEPENDENT VARIABLE. (DV).
    4. The relationship is discovered or modeled using the Data Flyer tool and predicting the best linear equation y = mx + b to discover the relationship between two variables.
    Notice the sum of squares of deviations:
        25,090    on page one 
       125,600    on page two
           122.2  on page three
            83.67 on page four    ( The BEST FIT possible, best fitting LINE )
                                        BEST gives the LEAST amount 
                                                of deviation from the line.

Wednesday, November 13th

  1. ....

Friday, November 15th

  1. Plot the following set of data using the Data Flyer tool; Plot this set of numbers using the SHODOR Data Flyer tool. It is MAYA 3D Graphics animation ease in data.
     1   0
     2   0.482
     3   1.9
     4   4.213
     5   7.379
     6  11.356
     7  16.103
     8  21.578