CS 1025 01 - Week #11 (Mar 29-31)

Tuesday, March 29th

***** CLASS IN ITTC 134 on THURSDAY 03/31... *****

  1. NetLOGO Assignment handed out: Music, Molecules and Moving Turtles. Due on Friday 04/08/16.

  2. A noteworthy class session: MUSIC and NetLOGO - happy birthday song on the NetLOGO trumpet.
     C  D  E  F  G  A  B  C   The key of C major or from C to shining C.
    60 62 64 65 67 69 71 72
                               FACE   and   EGBDF
    F  ---------------------- 77
              E               76
    D  ---------------------- 74
              C               72           C an octave above middle C 
    B  ---------------------- 71
              A               69
    G  ---------------------- 67
              F               65
    E  ---------------------- 64
                          D   62
                     C  ----- 60            Middle C            
  3. The hills are alive, or from C to shining C, the first three notes just happen to be Do-re-mi...

    C = 60      Doe, a deer, a female deer
    D = 62      Ray, a drop of golden sun
    E = 64      Me, a name I call myself
    F = 65      Far, a long long way to run
    G = 67      Sew, a needle pulling thread
    A = 69      La, a note to follow sew
    B = 71      Tea, I drink with jam and bread
    C = 72      That will bring us back to do...oh oh oh

Thursday, March 31st

  1. Practice with Maya and the RotationY attribute of a polygonal cube that was animated to rotate a full 360 degrees from Frame #1 to Frame #50. Ease in and Ease out and a tweening graph representing the frame by frame changes beTWEEN frame #1 KeyFrame and frame #50 KeyFrame.

  2. Using the SHODOR Data Flyer tool to investigate the EASE IN graph for the animation of the polygonal cube's rotationY property. X, Y, Z equals R, G, B as in Red, Green, Blue graphics.
     y = mx + b    m is the slope      
                   b is the intercept
                   x is the point in time, the frame #, which is 1, 2, 3, ..., 49, 50.
                   y is the degrees of rotation on the Y axis of the polygon.
                   y is a value between 0 and 360
     Here are the (x, y) pairs for frames 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7
                         1  0
                         2  0.444
                         3  1.75
                         4  3.883
                         5  6.805
                         6  10.48
                         7  14.871
  3. After the TANGENTS are converted to LINEAR we have (1, 0), (2, 7.347), (3, 14.694), (4, 22.041)
    Frame	rotateY
      1	 0
      2	 7.347
      3	14.694    EASE IN is gone and the graph is a straight line.
      4	22.041
      5	29.388    The slope of the line is the same everywhere.
      6	36.735
      7	44.082    Try using Data Flyer on these 7 different (x, y) pairs.
                      What will be the best sum of squares of deviations be?  Why?

***** CLASS IN ITTC 134 on Thu 03/31, Tue April 5th, and Thu April 7th... *****