022 Micro Apps Dec 98 Help Page

810:022 help and homework

  1. The RefreshPivot macro on page 299 of the textbook is used to update the pivot table cache by using the Connection property of the PivotCache object.
  2. It states on page 299 that you can use this Connection property to look at the data again and Refresh the pivot table that is summarizing the External Data Source (order98.dbf, the dBase database file).
  3. Page 317 of the Lesson 12 textbook has the Workbook_Open() VBA macro. As explained on email, you should comment out the RefreshPivot statement (by preceeding it with a single quote mark, ' ), so the call to RefreshPivot is ignored.
  4. RefreshPivot() builds a new connection string. The new string is the new value for the Connection property. The new string connects the Excel pivot table to the external database only if they are in the same folder on the same drive.
  5. The RefreshPivot() macro that you use from page 299 requires that the orders98.dbf file be stored in the very same folder as your Microsoft Excel workbook. Be sure to store both your Excel workbook and the orders98.dbf file on the Z: drive and/or both on the A: drive root directory or both in some folder.