Microcomputer Systems 810:023 Spring 2004

The Spring 1999 web page, the Spring 2000 web page, Spring 2001 810:023 web page, Spring 2002 810:023 web page and the Spring 2003 810:023 web page all are useful to see what kinds of topics are covered in this class. Keep in mind, the rate of change for networks, PCs and operating systems means the class will change quite a bit in response.

Last class handout: Security Chapter Questions are TAKE-HOME questions. You can turn them in at the in-class final exam on Thursday at 10 a.m. or turn them in anytime during finals week. You ALREADY HAVE THIS last assignment as a HANDOUT unless you missed the last class.
You may turn them in on Friday or Monday after the Thursday final exam, if you wish. Moral: Read the web page! :-)

QUIZ: Chapter Four Transmission Basics and Networking Media will be on Tuesday, April 13th.

The next quiz will be on THURSDAY: Chapter Two and Chapter Six QUIZ on Thursday, April 23rd. 04/23/04 in 810:023 class. Installing Debian Linux link.

NICs and Transmission Media illustrations, etc.

Chapter Six Networking Hardware The Review questions for both chapters will be due on Tuesday, March 9th.

Networking terms and concepts - This LAN is your LAN.

Week Four: Week #4 - February 3rd-5th resources.

Quiz One is on Thursday, February 12th.

How does a Scanner work?

Spring 2004 course outline

  1. Read chapters one and two of the textbook.

    Assignment #1: Answer Review Questions for chapter one on pages 27-30 (questions 1-20) and
    for chapter two on pages 58-62 (questions 1-30). Due date: Thursday, January 29th.

    Please WRITE the question (rephrased in your own words) and WRITE out the answer to the question, to increase your learning and retention. 1.c. in NOT acceptable for a multiple choice question, and 22. True is NOT acceptable for a True/False question. For a True or False question, explain why the statement is true or why it is false.

    Your questions CANNOT be word processed. They must be hand-written with pen or pencil.
    Due date: Thursday, January 29th.

  2. See the following class #1 and class #2 reviews and previews. Read/skim and familiarize yourself with the first TEN pages of chapter eleven. (Pages 519-528).

  1. Class #3 review, class #4 review. TCP/IP protocol and subnet masks group exercise.

  2. Chapter Two Slides.

  3. IP numbers, dotted decimal, Class A, B or C, etc. Email note and class #1 review, classes #2, #3 preview.

  4. Slides: Chapter 11 IP, subnet masks portion. See previous email note.

    Slides: Chapter 11 IP, subnet masks for OLDER BROWSERS and CEEE lab .

  5. Somewhat of a summary of class two and preview of class #3, which you received as an email note.

  6. Class #2 (Thursday, January 15th) handouts are one on binary subnet mask values and another on binary basics and IP numbers and subnetting, with class A, class B, and class C information.

    Unix and Linux tips #1. History and the man pages.

  7. Bridges and switches and Mac addresses. To filter or to forward. That is the question. Look up the definition of bridge and of switch in the glossary of the textbook.

  8. Network Hardware, i.e. Repeaters, Bridges, Switches, Routers, Gateways.

E F E R A - To be discussed during weeks 3 and 4 There are 5 issues to consider when connecting two nodes or computers with some media like cable. They are EFERA.
Encoding, Framing, Errors, Reliability and Access are E, F, E, R, A.
Encoding the digital data on the signals that the analog media can transmit, and decoding it back to the digital binary pattern when received.
Sentinel approach and byte count approach to know the end of a frame. Detecting the exact start of a frame is the other issue. "Not me" and "Mine" example.
Error detection
Even and odd parity. Hamming codewords. CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check)
Reliable delivery
Sliding windows. Timers and ACKs. Automatic resend after timer goes off if no ACK from destination host.
Access control
CSMA/CD and CSMA/CA and token passing we have already studied.
Ethereal capture file exercise. Tuesday, March 9th, 2004.
Parallel and Serial Ports. Chips and Connections.
Cyclic Redundancy Check #1 and Cyclic Redundancy Check #2 and

Practice interactive QUIZ (2 questions) for CRC redundancy bits. (32 bits attached to actual network packets, but 4 bits for toy examples).

Shell Programming followup from the March 30th class.

Caeser cipher is a substitution cipher. See the enciphering of UNI Panthers using every possible key from 1 to 25.

Note: Tentative plan to have a quiz on April 8th.