Session 6

Program Review

CS 1510
Introduction to Computing

Passing Efficiency

Your first homework problem asked you to compute passing efficiency using the NFL's formula.

    passes_completed = 185
    passes_attempted = 313
    passing_yards    = 2450
    touchdown_passes = 21
    interceptions    = 8

    C = (100 * (passes_completed / passes_attempted) - 30) / 20
    I = 2.375 - (interceptions / passes_attempted) * 25
    R = 100 * (C + Y + I + T) / 6

    passing_efficiency = int(R * 100) / 100.0

Then I added user input and fancy output.

Look at and run the final program. Let's see how UNI's QB did, NFL rating-wise, against Iowa.

    Sawyer Kollmorgen 17/37 380 2 2
A tough day against a good defense. (Still, much better than Alex Smith, Joe Flacco, Tom Brady, Tony Romo, and Eli Manning did in Week 1!)


Population Growth

Your second homework problem asked you to predict the US population in a future year, based on the current rates of birth, death, and net migration. Same M.O.:

    starting_population = 318817047
    starting_year       = 2014
    target_year         = 2019

    total_seconds = int(total_years * 365.25 * 24 * 60 * 60)

    births            = total_seconds // 8
    deaths            = total_seconds // 13
    net_migration     = total_seconds // 38

    ending_population = starting_population + births  \
                                            - deaths  \
                                            + net_migration

Then I added user input and fancy output.

Look at and run the final program.



Your first lab exercise yesterday asked you to implement a simple version of rot13. The idea similar to something you did in lab last week and we reviewed in class last Thursday.

    >>> 'a' <= 'm'
    >>> ord('a') + 13
    >>> chr(ord('a') + 13)

We can grow our boolean expression in small steps:

    >>> 'a' <= 'e' and 'e' <= 'm'
    >>> 'a' <= 'w' and 'w' <= 'm'

    >>> char = 'a'
    >>> 'a' <= char and char <= 'm'
    >>> char = 'r'
    >>> 'a' <= char and char <= 'm'

Then we use the expression as the condition on an if statement, in a program file:

    char = 'e'

    if (char >= 'a') and (char <= 'm'):
        # change char to the one 13 ahead of it
        # change char to the one 13 behind it

... and plug in the code for converting characters if statement:

    char = 'e'

    if (char >= 'a') and (char <= 'm'):
        char = chr( ord(char) + 13 )
        char = chr( ord(char) - 13 )

    print(char)      # to see the result

Now that we can convert a single character, we want to do the same thing for every character in a string, which is a collection of characters. That's just what a for statement can do for us:

    for char in ________:
        if (char >= 'a') and (char <= 'm'):
            char = chr( ord(char) + 13 )
            char = chr( ord(char) - 13 )

The name you use in the code that becomes your suite of statements becomes the "for" variable in the loop statement. The name of the data value being processed is the the "in" variable.

We need a string to process. Following the same plan we've followed all day, we can hardcode a string in for testing:

    name = 'eugene'
    for char in name:
        if (char >= 'a') and (char <= 'm'):
            char = chr( ord(char) + 13 )
            char = chr( ord(char) - 13 )

Now we can "softcode" the string by asking for user input.

Look at and run the final program. Run V1 (output on one line) and V2 (allows non-lowercase, non-alphabetic characters).


The High-Low Game

Your second lab exercise yesterday asked you to implement a computer player for the High-Low game. Most of you didn't get there. Sorry. Let's solve it together.

The spec says:

Your program should behave as follows:
  1. Decide on its first guess.
  2. Ask the user Is your number X?, putting its guess in for the X.
  3. While the user responds something other than yes,
    • Decide on its next guess, perhaps using the answer of higher or lower in the process.
    • Ask the user Is your number X?, putting its new guess in for the X.
  4. Announce to the user that the program won.

Your program can create its new guess any way you want...

In this case, the assignment gives you the algorithm that is the backbone of your code. Use it! Open a new program file:

    # 1. Decide on its first guess.

    # 2. Ask the user "Is your number X?", putting its guess in
    #    for the X.

    # 3. While the user responds something other than yes,
    #    a. Decide on its next guess, perhaps using the answer
    #       of higher or lower in the process.
    #    b. Ask the user "Is your number X?", putting its new
    #       guess in for the X.

    # 4. Announce to the user that the program won.

... fill in the blanks. Leave the while statement for last.

    # 1. Decide on its first guess.
    guess = 1

    # 2. Ask the user "Is your number X?", putting its guess in
    #    for the X.
    answer = input("Is your number " + str(guess) + "?  ")

    # 3. While the user responds something other than yes,

    #    a. Decide on its next guess, perhaps using the answer
    #       of higher or lower in the process.
        guess = guess + 1

    #    b. Ask the user "Is your number X?", putting its new
    #       guess in for the X.
        answer = input("Is your number " + str(guess) + "?  ")

    # 4. Announce to the user that the program won.
    print("I won!")

The program has to keep guessing until the user says 'yes'. That is, the program stops guessing if user says 'yes', and continues otherwise. So: while answer != 'yes': That's just what the algorithm says...

    guess = 1

    answer = input("Is your number " + str(guess) + "?  ")

    while answer != 'yes':
        guess = guess + 1
        answer = input("Is your number " + str(guess) + "?  ")

    print("I won!")

We haven't talked about the mechanics of while loops in detail yet, but you have read about them and seen them in class. And the assignment gave you the algorithm. This was doable, if you had time to get to it.

Look at and run the final program.

Notice, as the lab exercise said, that the suite of statements in the body of a while loop must do something to change the condition's value, or the loop continues forever. (Try it...)

Offer V1 for reading -- or a programming challenge! It finds the user's number much more quickly.


Wrap Up

Eugene Wallingford ..... ..... September 11, 2014